VIA announced the launch of a new QuadCore processor, quad-core processor with the most rencah power needs in today's market. QuadCore processor is natively 64-bit compatible and comes with a number of additional performance features including Adaptive Overclocking cache, 4MB L2, 1333MHz Bus and V4. 27.5 watts TDP. At first speed available is 1.2 + GHz.
VIA latest quad-core processor is built using 40nm manufacturing technology and to use a package VIA 21mm x 21mm NanoBGA2 of the die size of 11mm x 6mm. These processors also include support for VIA VT virtualization technology and VIA Padlock with Advanced Cryptography Engine. QuadCore processors fully pin-to-pin compatible with VIA Eden, VIA C7 and VIA Nano E-Series, and VIA Eden processor X2.
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