Are interesting in the Google search engine logo, or commonly known as the Google Doodle. In the next Google, it appears a woman who was demonstrating dance.
Images move in a few seconds it was the modern dance movement, introduced by Martha Graham. Google dedicating a special logo on a special day to the 117th anniversary year to women who are known as a pioneer in the field of modern dance for more than 50 years.
Summarized by Legal from various sources, on Wednesday (5/11/2011), Martha Graham was the most influential figure in the arts and innovative modern dance for more than 50 years. Martha Graham himself is a dancer from Pittsburgh, United States who was born May 11, 1894 and died on April 1, 1991.
Evolution produced by Graham in thethe arts kontenporer this when he launched his solo debut The independent choreographer in the 48th Street Theater - New York ,which makes the audience stunned and amazed .
Unlike traditional ballet, Graham movements stiff, tense and almost parallel to the ground, and consists of the outer movements are flushed from the center of his body to express emotion.
Graham, who has made 180 dances choreographed and enjoyed the longest active careers of any modern dancer, retired from the stage in 1969 to become a teacher, lecturer, and director of the Martha Graham Center for Contemporary Dance in New York.
Images move in a few seconds it was the modern dance movement, introduced by Martha Graham. Google dedicating a special logo on a special day to the 117th anniversary year to women who are known as a pioneer in the field of modern dance for more than 50 years.
Summarized by Legal from various sources, on Wednesday (5/11/2011), Martha Graham was the most influential figure in the arts and innovative modern dance for more than 50 years. Martha Graham himself is a dancer from Pittsburgh, United States who was born May 11, 1894 and died on April 1, 1991.
Evolution produced by Graham in thethe arts kontenporer this when he launched his solo debut The independent choreographer in the 48th Street Theater - New York ,which makes the audience stunned and amazed .
Unlike traditional ballet, Graham movements stiff, tense and almost parallel to the ground, and consists of the outer movements are flushed from the center of his body to express emotion.
Graham, who has made 180 dances choreographed and enjoyed the longest active careers of any modern dancer, retired from the stage in 1969 to become a teacher, lecturer, and director of the Martha Graham Center for Contemporary Dance in New York.
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